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Mata sensoryczna - dla maluchów i przedszkolaków

Gdy na świecie pojawia się maluszek, starasz się zapewnić mu najlepsze warunki do rozwoju. Dostarczasz mu różnych bodźców, chcesz aby w bezpieczny sposób poznawało otaczający świat. Specjalnie w takim celu przygotowaliśmy plecioną, welurową matę, która doskonale dostarczy mu wiele doznań sensorycznych. Mata sprawdzi się jako materacyk, na którym niemowlak może swobodnie wypoczywać, bawić się i gaworzyć. To idealne miejsce także dla starszych dzieci. Czytanie książeczek, czy oglądanie bajek dostarczy Twojemu dziecku dodatkowych doznań. Mata jest mięciutka, izoluje od zimnej podłogi. Dzięki nowoczesnemu designowi, będzie modną dekoracją w pokoju dziecięcym.

Mata pleciona - wnętrzarski hit

When your baby arrives in the world, you try to provide him with the best conditions for development. You provide him with various stimuli, you want him to learn about the world around him in a safe way. Especially for this purpose, we have prepared a woven, velor mat , which will provide him with many sensory experiences. The mat is perfect as a mattress on which the baby can rest, play and chat freely. It is also an ideal place for older children. Reading books or watching fairy tales will provide your child with additional experiences. The mat is soft and insulates against the cold floor . Thanks to its modern design, it will be a fashionable decoration in a children's room.


Braided mat - an interior hit


We know very well how difficult it is to find unusual solutions when planning modern interiors. Everyone wants to have something original and unique. The braided mat is a multifunctional product. It can be used as a braided pillow on swings, garden sofas or deckchairs . 


Braided headboard for the bed - a beautiful decoration for the bedroom


Undoubtedly, a woven mat will beautify any bedroom and give it an unusual atmosphere and coziness. All you need to do is mount it on the wall, and it will be a comfortable and beautiful support.


A lair for a pet


The material from which we sew the mats is durable and is also suitable for our beloved pets. A bed for a dog or a cat in the form of a woven mat is a total hit! Your pet will surely love them and it will look phenomenal in the interior.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer of woven velor mats. The product is made to a special order of the client, it can be available in all colors from our offer!

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